Tina Hope, That Dog (No Contact Information Provided)

This was an interesting morning. There was a copy of a short story left outside of our front door – in a manila envelope, propped up against the door. The cover page was filled out completely with what turned out to be a fake name and fake contact information. We are declining to print any of the content in its entirety here because we’d LOVE to publish this one. Unfortunately, with no legitimate contact information we just don’t feel comfortable going to print.  

So please, if you are or know this person, get in touch with us!  

Here are some excerpts that may help to identify the work: 

…. the sun was everywhere, dripping, glowing, melting, sending, writing, and we beneath its rays doing the same, days were so long and we were so lonely despite having one another. We had both been sent here, independently, and had expected solitude for these years. When we arrived and saw another, it felt at once disappointing and a relief.”   

“She was never here. This is the sentence I repeated on a loop as they interrogated me as to her disappearance. She was never here and I likely would not have noticed had she been here.”